Leeds City Council's Best City Ambition Consultation has just started, and we've got a guide to help you respond.
What is the Best City Ambition?
This is the overall vision for the future of Leeds. It sets out what the council, partner organisations in the public and private sectors have agreed is important and the overall direction of travel for Leeds.
Once the ambition has been agreed after feedback from this consultation with the public and third sector organisations future strategies and plans will reflect this direction and develop the detailed actions the city needs to take to meet these ambitions. It is not intended as a detailed plan.
Responding to the Consultation
The consultation's 13th January deadline is fast approaching so we've put together a handy guide to aid you in responding to the consultation questions.
Our response guide is shaped and informed by our values for a zero carbon, nature friendly, socially just Leeds with our responses to the Transport Strategy and Local Plan Update forming its basis.
The guide will take you through the consultation questions for each of the five sections:
Principles and Headlines
Health and Wellbeing Ambition
Inclusive Growth Ambition
Zero Carbon Ambition
Working Together & Team Leeds
Please use our suggested responses as much or as little as you wish to help shape your answers.
If you're short on time then why not just choose one or two of the topics - focusing on what you're most passionate about. The more people who respond, the more robust the case is for calling for greater ambition to move towards a zero carbon, nature friendly, socially just Leeds.
Spread the word
We aim to reach as many people as possible, so it would be fantastic if you could help us spread the word by sharing our response guide with your networks.
We'd also love to hear from you. What are your views on the Best City Ambition? What do you think was missing from our responses?
Thank you for your continued support!