What does tree felling across Leeds mean for local biodiversity? What are the drivers of tree removal? How does large scale tree planting fit with this? And what does it mean for the communities living next to these areas?
In this month's Action Forum we'll be speaking with local residents from Armley Trees, a group of Armley residents who came together in 2019 in response to Network Rail's tree felling. The group have since joined with other residents from Burley and across Leeds to form part of a wider network to 'Save Leeds Trees'. Champions of biodiversity, the groups have fought tirelessly for honesty, clarity, transparency and meaningful community engagement around the issues of felling and vegetation removal in Leeds, and for alternative approaches to be found.
Join us in discussion where we'll hear more about the work of Armley Trees, talk about what areas are being (or are scheduled to be) felled across Leeds at the hands of infrastructure or development projects, consider the implications and detrimental impacts on the environment/local communities, discuss what needs to change, and find out what we can do about it.
Find the event on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/33iN4t2pD
Join us on the night:
Meeting ID: 858 2930 2086
Passcode: 870456
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